Start Your Business in France

Embarking on a business adventure in France?

Whether youโ€™re bringing your existing consultancy or freelance work to new horizons, or youโ€™re starting afresh, navigating the setup as a micro enterprise is your gateway to success.

What exactly is a Micro Enterprise?
Also known as Auto Entrepreneur, it’s a business model that’s become the go-to for service-oriented businesses with relatively low overheads.

Often likened to being a sole trader in the UK, this framework is tailored for individuals seeking a blend of flexibility, simplicity, and tax benefits. Fast to setup, simple accounting and pay as you go social charges, it’s a straightforward path to entrepreneurship.

But don’t let the simplicity fool you. Strategic decisions made at this stage can have a lasting impact on your financial well-being.

Here are some of the key choices you’ll face:

  • Opting for the most tax-efficient income routes.
  • Deciding when to register for VAT as your business grows.
  • Organizing client expenses to keep more profit in your pocket.
  • Leveraging the micro regime’s lower tax rates to your advantage.

Starting a business in France has its complexities, but with the right guidance, it can be rewarding and fun! Let’s work together to make the start as smooth as possibleโ€”no jargon, no overwhelm, just a clear path to building your thriving business

schedule a free consultation

Did you know…

Building a successful business in France is possible – I know, because I’ve done it

You might have arrived here looking for an English speaking accountant in France – remember micro-enterprise setups don’t require one.

As a Business set up & success specialist, I’m here to guide you through these strategic decisions and support you with your self employed journey.

I help don’t just help you with the set up – but stay by your side while you develop your business in France. Setting marketing strategy, attracting your first clients and helping you achieve the level of success you are aiming at.

Schedule your free consultation

Corporate Freelancer

As a consultant, graphic designer, IT expert, or high-level freelancer setting up in France, your focus should be on what you do best.

My Corporate Freelancer service is here to facilitate a professional and seamless transition for you.

Maintain and grow your international client base while I guide you through the nuances of establishing your presence in France.

This includes straightforward, essential advice on navigating VAT and other financial intricacies, ensuring your transition is as efficient and hassle-free as possible.


Ready to get your consulting or freelancing career started in France?


Business Relocator

Already have an established business and you’re thinking about bringing it over to France? That’s where Business Relocator steps in.

I’m here to make this move as smooth as possible for you. I help you adapt your operations to the new setting, and also guide you in building a strong presence here.

While you keep up with your international clients, I’ll help you with ways to find new ones right here in France and build your business.


Ready to get started with your business in France?


Startup Launcher

Starting a new phase of your career and thinking about setting up your own business? My Startup Launcher package can take you from idea to your first client.

Think of me as your business co-pilot, helping you to lay out a clear plan, manage the unknowns, and build a solid foundation to get your business off the ground.

Feeling worried about failure? It’s natural when you’re stepping into uncharted territory. I’m here to ease that stress.


Ready to kickstart your new venture?


A micro entreprise is a type of business structure in France ideal for individual entrepreneurs. It’s known for its straightforward and simplified approach, making it a popular choice for foreigners starting a small independent business in France.

This structure suits various activities, whether you’re planning to run it full-time or as a side venture. The key benefits include an easy-to-understand tax system and manageable social security contributions, with clear limits on the annual turnover.

It’s an excellent option for those new to the French business environment, as it simplifies many of the complexities typically associated with starting and running a business.

The earning limit for a service-based micro enterprise is โ‚ฌ77,700. This threshold can be exceeded for two consecutive years before you need to transition to the more comprehensive regime reel.

The VAT registration threshold for service businesses in 2024 is โ‚ฌ39,100.

If your earnings are between โ‚ฌ36,800 and โ‚ฌ39,100 for two consecutive years, you will need to register for VAT from the third year. However, if your earnings drop below โ‚ฌ36,800 in the second year, you can remain exempt from VAT registration

In most cases, as a micro enterprise, you’ll pay around 22% on your turnover – no expenses can be deducted, except in very specific, rare cases.

The alternative set up, known as the regime reel, involves paying approximately 45% on profit after deducting expenses.

If your expenses are less than 50% of your turnover, the micro regime is typically more beneficial.

Absolutely! The micro enterprise (auto-entrepreneur) regime is flexible, allowing you to combine various activities. Whether you’re an artisan and a consultant, a photographer and a graphic designer, or a sports coach and a dance teacher, this regime accommodates multiple different professions. It’s an ideal choice if you have diverse skills and want to explore different ventures.

The micro enterprise model is open to anyone who has the right to work in France. You can run your independent activity alongside another status such as being an employee, a student, or a retiree.

However, itโ€™s important to note that the auto-entrepreneur status is not available for certain professions (like medical/regulated activities) and some company directors (like SA, SARL, etc.).

As of May 15, 2022, the new unified status of the individual entrepreneur limits the liability of the auto-entrepreneur to their professional assets.

This automatic separation of personal and professional assets upon declaration ensures the personal assets’ protection, meaning professional creditors can only claim against the professional assets.

Typically less than 2 weeks from submitting the registration.

Setting up a Micro-Entreprise is done online via the INPI website. You can no longer register via the URSSAF site or directly with the Chambre de Commerce or Chambre de Mรฉtiers.

There are several important choices to make when setting up – it’s important to have researched and understood these options if you are completing the registration on your own (in particulary with regards to the Versement Liberatoire.


10 Key Rules for Service Micro-Entreprises

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